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The saved search feature allows you to save searches that you create on the Advanced Search page. This allows you to re-run searches while you are logged in and/or have new resources that match your search emailed to you as frequently as you wish (hourly to yearly) if saved search mailings are enabled in the portal.
For example, if you want a continually updated list of resources on food allergies, you could elect to receive a weekly email telling you which new resources on food allergies have been added to the portal database.
You must be logged in to use saved searches.
To create a saved search, go to the Advanced Search page. Near the bottom of the page, you will see a Save button directly next to the Search button. Once you have entered a search that you wish to save, click the Save button. This will take you to a page on which you may name your new search and choose how often, if ever, to receive emails with resources matching your search (if saved search mailings are active). Once these details are complete, click the Save button at the bottom of the page. Your search is now saved, and will appear in a list of saved searches at the bottom of the Advanced Search page and in a box titled My Searches on the right side of all other pages.
You can re-run a saved search by going to the Advanced Search page and selecting your search from the bottom of the page, or by clicking the search name from the My Searches box to the right of all other pages.
Visit the Saved Searches page, which contains information about all of your saved searches. Clicking the Edit button next to a search will load a page where you can modify the details of your saved search. Click the Save button when you are satisfied with your modifications.
Visit the Saved Searches page and click the Delete button next to any of your searches to delete one. Exercise caution when deleting searches; deleting a search cannot be undone.
Administrators can choose to disable this feature. If no Email Me option is available when you save a new search or manage your searches, contact the system administrator for more information.
You probably have a saved search sending you an email listing new resources. To disable this search, log in to the portal and go to the Saved Searches page. Select Never from the dropdown menu next to the saved search you are receiving emails from to stop receiving emails.